Instructions for presentations

Instructions pour les présentations (format .pdf en français)

Oral presentations     

Except for certain speakers who have been given additional speaking time by the Scientific Committee, oral presentations should be 12 minutes long with an additional 3 minutes allowed for discussion. 
Powerpoint files must be prepared in a 16:9 format.
The files must be submitted to Luc HUMBERT either before the congress via email (l-humbert@chru-lille.fr ) or at the latest on the morning of the day of your presentation.
The files must be identified as follows: “O (for oral) N ° – NAME”, for example: O01-HUMBERT.
The order of all oral presentations is available in the scientific program: (flanders2019.sfta.org/scientific-program/).
You will be asked at the welcome desk to give a written permission for other participants to receive your slides in a pdf format within 15 days after the congress (until June 7th 2019). All additional information will be provided on site.

Poster presentations

Posters must be hung and remain in place for the entire congress.
The posters must be prepared in A0 format “portrait” on paper or fabric (panel size 84 x 118 cm).
Posters will be attached using double-sided tape provided at the welcome desk.

In order to increase the visibility of your work, a label with aQR code (FlashCode) which contains the poster identification number (example: P01) will be displayed next to the poster. Once the QR code has been scanned using their smartphone, participants will be able to download your poster for a limited period of 15 days (until June 7th2019).
Accordingly, you must send a copy of your poster in a pdf format as soon as possible and no later than May 20th, to the following address: florian.hakim@chru-lille.fr. The pdf file should be named P (for poster) N ° – NAME “as for example: P01-HUMBERT. The order of all poster presentations is available in the scientific program (flanders2019.sfta.org/scientific-program-posters/).

An explanatory note about the QR code use will be provided at your arrival at the congress (at the dedicated reception desk).
For further information, please contact Luc Humbert (l-humbert@chru-lille.fr) or Florian Hakim (florian.hakim@chru-lille.fr)